Overcoming Social Isolation as a Young Parent

Becoming a new parent at a young age can have a complex impact on your social networks. While you’re never truly alone, it can feel lonely. Here are some strategies for navigating your new normal and cultivating a stronger social network. 

Articulate Your Needs 

Many people turn to family and partners as their immediate social network. They may not notice your social isolation, so it’s important to express yourself. Talk to family and your partners about occasionally covering childcare so that you can spend time with friends. If you cannot physically see your friends, schedule phone calls or video chats to maintain those connections. 

Find the Balance 

You may feel obligated to prioritize your child’s needs above your own. While it is important for them to have social experiences, it is also important for you to make connections. Meeting other young parents while caring for your child is one way to do that. You might connect with another young parent while accessing services or playing at the park with your child. Sparking a conversation about parenthood could bridge the gap between you and others, opening a new social connection. 

Rise Above Stigma 

Becoming a young parent might mean facing judgement from others. This is a good time to evaluate how your current friendships contribute to your life. Outgrowing unhealthy and unsupportive friends can be challenging at first, but that creates more space for new friendships. Healthy friendships can improve your self-esteem and sense of belonging. Befriending the parents of your child’s friends is another fun way to expand your social circle. You’ll likely see them often through school events! 

Get Online 

Social media is just one more way to connect with others! Whether it’s through groups on other social sites or our YUP! community, there are lots of other young parents online just like you. Our community is here to help you feel supported and seen!  If you don't have an account, create one and join us.