Becoming a dad comes with a lot of new feelings. There’s the excitement of raising a human into the best person they can be, but there may be some worry about the journey ahead. It’s important to find time for yourself as you settle into a routine with your child. Self-care allows you to be more present, happy, and motivated. Just five minutes of personal time can make all the difference for both you and your child. We’ve included some self-care suggestions here, but the important thing is to take a little time to do what you like each day. 

Stretch it out

 When was the last time you reached for your toes? After holding a little one every day, it’s not a bad idea. Men tend to stretch less often than women and caring for a growing child can put an extra strain on your body. Take a few minutes to stretch your arms, legs, back, and neck for a midday boost of energy. Check out this video from Bria to see how! 

Hydrate your skin

 Take the time to moisturize your face and body after a shower! This small trick will leave you feeling softer and smelling better throughout the day. Sandalwood, bergamot, and lemongrass are common therapeutic scents in men’s body care. If you don’t have time to lotion your entire body after a shower, try using a body oil right after you rinse off to lock in moisture. Softer hands mean a gentler touch when taking care of your baby. 

Phone a friend

 You might be busier than you’re used to, but that doesn’t mean you can’t catch up with your friends! Make a quick call to talk about your day, your child, or anything else that interests you. Perhaps this person will let you vent or offer up some sound advice. Keeping in touch with your friends and loved ones is a great way to remember that you’re not alone in this. Adding a quick moment of self-care can set the tone for your day. Be sure to communicate your needs to your partner or relatives – having time to yourself will help you become the superdad you’re destined to be.